About Us

Behind The Cuntent

Oh hey! I’m Anthony aka “Casual” Covert aka legend icon superstar who is probably the most humble person you’ll ever know. You’re welcome. I’m an artist that just likes making dope art. I get inspired and create whatever makes me smile, laugh, happy, etc. I don’t exactly have a goal with my work other than to make what I like or enjoy, life is too short to make art I don’t like. But if others fuck with the vibe / like my work, amazing! I am blessed to have people (like maybe you) who enjoy my artwork and it means the absolute world to me! So yeah, thank you to anyone who supports my work and passions! Now go out there and be a fucking icon!

I always liked making shit. It gives a sense of accomplishment when you look at something and can say to yourself “Fuck I’m so cool.” Bold lines, loud colors, and expressive textures. It just screams more ‘me.’ I’ve done art most of my highschool life, but when I went to college, I didn't know what I wanted to do. Do I get a REAL job? What do I want my future to look like? I went into college with general education courses and I felt DEAD. It was PAINFULLY boring and poopy butts. Just cookie cutter kids doing the cookie cutter path after high school. But I ain’t your average cookie, I'm freshly baked every morning to show the world that not only am I here, but I am gonna leave a memorable taste in your life and mouf.

SO after my first semester I transferred into the fine arts program. This is where I met some of the most important people in my art career. Longtime friends, transparent mentors, and dickhead professors who thought I should “reconsider my major.” They ALL motivated me to be who I am today. Since then, I became an artist who is here to create dope art, evolve every day, and show the world that you don't need to reconsider your dreams. Grab them by the balls and own them.

The Cumpany History

Artist Anthony Covert founded his ICONIC original artwork company called Casual Covert LLC in 2021 to finally turn his art into his life. The mission is to be a thriving 'anti corp/norm' success that shows being who you are, regardless of what anyone else says, will bring the most success and fulfillment in one's life. We want to inspire people to embrace 'unprofessional' or "inappropriate" qualities and become a powerhouse of self success and confidence. A place where authentic people with genuine passion make cool art for the rebels and art lovers of the world. No high school gossip at the water cooler from your fake as fuck co workers. Authentic passionate people who refuse to compromise themselves and their beliefs to make cool shit, and inspire others to do the same (hopefully). We let these whores have 110% of the Casual Covert experience in every order, event, and interaction, and we want you to do the same! Our vision is to be an ever evolving example of how anyone can thrive doing what they love as a full time career while being seen as "unprofessional" or "vulgar." Anyone and everyone can be their OWN boss AND be cunty doing so.

So go ahead, let these whores HAVE IT!

The Casual Covert Original Blacklight Babe (2024). It is a painting of a orange woman with blue lips and pink cheeks against a loud graffiti / scribbled background with black, red, and neon yellow. This painting also glows in black light.

Artist Statement

I push myself with each piece to be bolder and louder. Using humor, sex, and taboo subject matters, I force them in people's faces to solidify their reality. By making people turn heads in disgust or awe, I set the stage for individuality and unapologetic expression. I create my work with no boundaries or preemptive planning. I am here to put my ideas out there regardless of how crass, obscene, or loud they may be. I want my journey and philosophy as an artist to be an example to others that it is important to embrace and bring out your inner icon. I don't want to “inspire” people , I want to be an example that being 110% yourself and showcasing your authenticity  is the best way to create regardless of how hard it is for others to swallow.


I typically use traditional techniques for my acrylic work. I tend to render quickly by blocking out shapes and colors VERY roughly. For more defined shapes I focus and slowly refine line weights and edges to create the look I am going for. The cliche “just have fun with it” definitely applies. Always willing to experiment and not take the process too seriously at the moment. Gives opportunity for unexpected outcomes.